Check’In secures access to building’s roofs

Illegal use of smoke vents or skydome is a major problem for property managers. Ils doivent garantir le bon fonctionnement de ces dispositifs pour la sécurité des personnes et la maintenance des bâtiments. The Check’In system’s monitoring and alarm technology makes these devices even more secure, with minimal impact on the infrastructure and easier management for teams.

Smoke vents: a critical access point for safety

Smoke vents or skydomes are an essential part of the security system in managed buildings. Social landlords, real estate management companies and building owners must put in place effective, ongoing systems and procedures for monitoring and maintaining these vents in order to meet their legal obligations. However, these smoke extraction systems are often used illegally to gain access to roofs, compromising their smooth operation and the safety of the building.

Smoke vents

Skydomes must remain closed to :

  • Ensure their effectiveness in the event of fire.
  • Prevent accidents involving roof access.
  • Prevent damage to the building.

In the event of unauthorised opening, it is crucial for the building manager to intervene quickly to check and restore the system.

In the absence of security systems and real-time remote monitoring, checking skydomes is a daily task for field teams. These rounds of checks are time-consuming and do not guarantee rapid intervention in the event of real damage.

Simplify skydome management with Check’In

With Check’In, forget complicated installations! There’s no need to screw a box into the wall or install a wired door-opening sensor on the skydome frame and leaf.

Check’In is an all-in-one device, which can be installed in the blink of an eye using an ultra-resistant double-sided tape system. It has no impact on the infrastructure or the fire system, and requires no additional electrical or Wi-Fi connection.

Once installed, Check’In works continuously, 24/7, to notify any unauthorised opening in real time and remotely, without the need for additional activation.

This real-time monitoring system offers a number of advantages:

  • Centralised and optimised maintenance management: teams and service providers only intervene when the system detects a need.
  • Precise monitoring of maintenance work carried out by service providers, with automatic detection and logging in the Check’In system.
  • Prevent damage to common areas of buildings caused by rain or wind, by quickly closing devices that have been left open for too long.
Protecting In’li skydomes with the Check’In system

Use case: In’li

As the leading provider of intermediate housing in the Paris region, In’li manages more than 50,000 homes.

Artifeel has deployed Check’In boxes on the outlets of buildings managed by In’li, enabling agents to know precisely when and where an outlet is open, for rapid intervention.

According to Alexis Boissières, Innovation Project Manager at In’li LAB :

“The Check’in box solution offers a remarkable plug-and-play approach, providing not only an instant alert in the event of an attempted roof intrusion, but also optimised supervision of our service providers responsible for the security of our fire smoke extraction systems.

Check-in allows us to better control and anticipate incidents, thereby strengthening the security and surveillance of our assets.»

Saving time and improving efficiency for In’li, for safer, more autonomous infrastructures.

Would you like to simplify the management of your skydomes and make it more reliable?