Artifeel Awarded for innovation by Build Review

Artifeel wins a Facilities Management award, recognizing the innovative nature of its Check’In systems dedicated to professionals.

Artifeel is proud to announce its victory at the 2024 Facilities Management Awards, presented by BUILD Magazine, in the category “Best Smart Security Technology Firm 2024.”

For the second consecutive year, the experts at Build Magazine have acknowledged the disruptive and innovative nature of our “Check’In” solutions. The development of our range of products, to address more professional needs, is recognized for its positive impact in the field of professional infrastructure security management.

Un prix qui récompense tout particulièrement notre engagement envers l’innovation technologique et la simplification des systèmes de sécurité.

The professional applications of the Check’In range recognized.

Our alarm and monitoring systems dedicated to professional needs stand out for their autonomy and effectiveness against intrusions and theft of raw materials.

Based on a unique embedded artificial intelligence technology, it significantly reduces false alarms, thus offering enhanced, autonomous, and simplified security for protected spaces.

This recognition demonstrates our ability to turn security sector challenges into opportunities by integrating sustainable and effective solutions.

Thanks to BUILD Magazine for this honor and remain determined to push the boundaries of innovation in security, monitoring, and infrastructure maintenance. Artifeel continues to inspire trust and security worldwide.